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Treatment of Lymphedema Pages

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Sleeves.Gauntlets and Gloves
Breast Compression
Night Time Garments
Swell Spots, Foam Padding, Chip Bags
Skin and Nail Care
Patient Education--Self-Management
Kinesio Taping
Compression Pumps
Nutrition and Diet
Low Level Laser Therapy
Lymph Drainage Gas Ionization
Alternative Medicine
Other Unproven Modalities

Essential Knowledge for fitness trainers, Yoga teachers, Pilates teachers regarding breast cancer related lymphedema

What-you-should-know-about-lymphedema-and-exercise as a breast cancer Survivor.

Weight Lifting and Lymphedema--Comments on Study published in New England Journal of Medicine and Questions and Answer with Dr. Kathryn Schmitz, Lead Author of study






Standard Treatment of Lymphedema--Exercise


Essential Knowledge for: fitness trainers, Yoga teachers, Pilates teachers regarding breast cancer related lymphedema

The above article is not intended to substitute for medical advice. Please see your doctors, both surgeons and oncologists, and lymphedema therapist before engaging in any exercise program.

See Our "Disclaimer" below before beginning this or any exercise program.

What-you-should-know-about-lymphedema-and-exercise as a breast cancer Survivor.

The above article is not intended to substitute for medical advice. Please see your doctors, both surgeons and oncologists, and lymphedema therapist before engaging in any exercise program.

See Our "Disclaimer" below before beginning this or any exercise program.


Naomi Aaronson MA OTR/L CHT

This article is not intended to substitute for medical advice. Please see your doctors, both surgeons and oncologists, and lymphedema therapist before engaging in any exercise program.

See Our "Disclaimer" below before beginning this or any exercise program.

Are you in a quandary over exercise? How many of you were warned not to lift more than 5-10 lbs. after breast cancer surgery and treatment? Or advised not to take up favored leisure pursuits such as golf and tennis that you once enjoyed? My guess is that many of you live in fear of developing lymphedema and were warned about the risks. Lymphedema is a real concern! That is why it is so important to "arm" yourself with the power of knowledge. There is good news!! A recent update from the National Lymphedema Network has revised its guidelines for exercise. In addition, new research is finding that exercise can benefit those of you at risk of developing lymphedema.

You are considered to be at risk for lymphedema if you do not exhibit any signs and symptoms of the condition but have a disruption in your lymphatic system. Axillary lymph node removal and/or radiation are considered risk factors because they cause a break down in lymphatic flow. Other known risk factors include infection, obesity, and overuse. The main concern regarding exercise is that exercise increases blood flow. This can result in an increase in lymphatic load possibly leading to lymphedema. It is difficult to predict who will develop this chronic incurable condition. However, the benefits of exercise are profound to the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems (heart, lungs, muscles, and bones.) Avoiding it entirely, can be
damaging to both mind and body. That is why it is so important to be cautious and to educate yourself thoroughly.

Here are some key points to know:

1) Be sure to obtain medical clearance before beginning any exercise program, including clearance from your lymphedema therapist.

2) Use deep breathing techniques to minimize any pain and facilitate lymphatic flow.

3) Wear a compression garment
(sleeve and glove/gauntlet) that fit well for the limb at risk when exercising or performing necessary repetitive work such as vacuuming or painting.  Always "promote" your lymph flow with manual lymph drainage massage before donning any of your compression garments. However, these garments are not required when swimming as the water provides some compression!!

4) Start with a gradual program of flexibility exercises to stretch the pectoralis major/minor (where breast tissue is removed) and axillary region (where lymph nodes are removed.) These areas may become tight due to scar tissue and radiation and can block lymphatic flow. Yoga postures such as child's pose and bow can help to stretch the area once you have regained some flexibility. These stretches should be performed daily once your physician/lymphedema therapist gives you clearance, and on a regular basis for the rest of your life. That may seem to be an awesome task, but will help you in the long run by preventing problems due to disuse and lack of range of motion.

5) Strength training should be undertaken in a gradual manner to the effected arm. Muscular contractions can help to promote lymphatic flow. However, too much too soon, without proper attention to form is not safe. It is important to wear a
properly fitting sleeve/glove/gauntlet especially for this type of exercise, again remembering to "promote" your lymph flow with manual lymph drainage massage before donning any of your compression garments. One should begin with light weights (1lb) or light bands approximately 6 weeks after surgery. Do not wrap the band around your arm or hand. It is best to start slowly with 8-12 repetitions to each arm. You should alternate arms or take breaks between each set of 8-12 repetitions. Be sure to improve strength in your rotator cuff and back for injury prevention. Do not increase the weights the same time you increase the number of repetitions. Lift the weights slowly and carefully and exhale on the effort. You may not feel any soreness if your arm is numb, therefore it is important to monitor your arm for any sign of swelling. If unsure of how to use weights, ask your physician for a prescription for occupational therapy to ensure that you are doing it properly.

6) Learn how to take circumferential measurements (the width around your arm) at your wrist, elbow, and knuckles minimally. Ask your lymphedema therapist to show you how to do this accurately. Take baseline measurements before you begin to exercise and on a regular basis. Know what the signs and symptoms of lymphedema are.

7) Aerobic exercise is exercise performed continuously for at least 20 minutes using the large muscles in the legs and arms which raises the heart rate. This in turn improves cardiovascular fitness, but may increase the lymphatic flow as blood flow increases. By improving this system, ones overall health is maximized. Swimming is especially beneficial, as there is no jolt as one moves in the water making it easier on the joints . In addition, the coolness and hydrostatic pressure of the water facilitates lymphatic flow. Swimming, bicycling, jogging, step aerobics, and walking are all considered to be aerobic. A sleeve should be worn for all activities except for swimming. Start slowly and gradually increase the duration (length of time you exercise) and frequency (number of sessions per week that you exercise.)

8) If exercising outdoors, exercise when it is cooler and be sure to wear sunscreen.

Taking a careful approach to exercise can get you back into the swing of things!! Hopefully, you will be able to take part in the activities that you once enjoyed and even learn some new ones!!


Burt, J and White, G Lymphedema 2006 Hunter House Publishers

Harris, S , Hugi, M. Clinical Practice guidelines for the care and treatment of breast cancer: 11. Lymphedema 2001 Canadian Medical Association.

See also:


This article or the links to exercises above are not intended to substitute for medical advice. Please see your doctors and lymphedema therapist before engaging in any exercise program.

Each of us is an individual whose base fitness level before breast cancer could have been anywhere between a lovely,  comfortable, overweight couch potato or a marathon runner, a triathlon participant, or in any range of many fitness levels between.

We also range from very young to very old, and often have significant medical problems still remaining from our cancer surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormonal therapy.

And many of us have had reconstructive surgeries of various types which will also change how quickly and how much of particular exercises we can do.

Please make sure to discuss your former fitness level and past treatments with your doctor and lymphedema therapist before proceeding with any exercise program.

While exercise is absolutely essential in regaining your range of motion, and increasing your lymphatic flow, too much too soon, when your individual body is not ready for it and without proper guidance, is not safe.

We cannot take any responsibility for any injuries caused if  you have not followed this advice and consulted with your physicians and lymphedema therapist before starting any exercise program.



Page Last Modified 09/29/2015

All medical information presented on this page is the opinion of
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